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 Post subject: They stole my damn boat.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:12 pm 
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I know the economic times drives people to do bad things but someone stole my boat out of my shop drive way in broad daylight and gutted it. I left town Friday about 5 o'clock after work for Helena (about 90 miles away) and got the call from the Sheriff's department on Sunday telling my boat had apparently been stolen and was abandoned on the side of the road. Asked me to go out to it, make sure it was actually mine and pull it home. When I got to it I wanted to throw up...then I wanted to beat the hell out of someone. Literally. They stole a 90HP Evinrude Jet motor, Minn Kota trolling motor, battery and tool kit. Naturally cut both wiring harnesses and destroyed the shifting and throttle cables. A witness called it in Sunday. Said he saw what he thought was something suspicious on Friday evening when he saw a person working on a boat motor on the side of the road. Said when he saw the gutted boat in the same spot he knew he should have called it in earlier. He did his part, what I want to know is how in the hell do you wrestle a 300 pound 4 cylinder boat motor off a boat on the side of the road? He said it was a young guy and girl. IT was a 1995 Roughneck jet boat so as far as blue book value goes it isn't worth alot according to my home-owners insurance but is going to kill me to replace it. I had just rebuilt the carbs on it and it was in as TIP TOP shape as an outfit could be. Here is a harder part to swallow, I live in town, typical neighborhood setting with houses on every lot. Practically only a 5-10 yard strip of grass and drive-way separating our houses, A city of Great Falls Police officer lives directly across the street from me and they took it sometime between the time I left and dark because the person that saw them stripping it said it was still daylight when he saw them. Talk about balls. I only hope they catch the bastards. Thanks for giving me an avenue to vent. I pray none of you ever experience a significant theft.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:17 pm 
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Wow, that sucks. Sorry to hear. That is surprising he got it out of there without anyone noticing.

OK, I'm over it. Where's the beer? 8)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:44 pm 
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I HATE thieves. I think we should go back to the good old days of chopping off thieves hands.

I'll stay off my soapbox to spare you guys, but yeah, one of my pet peeves.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:53 am 
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check all listings boat motors go for a pretty penny. I would check craigslist every day plus ebay, the papers any place they could sell it and make sure to contact all boat shops around. Who ever did this knows boats big time. they knew what to take that could be sold with little to no paperwork. If the motor was the original it will have a number on that matches to the haul. check your papers. sry to hear it.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:27 am 
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Thanks for the comments guys. I have been on Craigslist and do plan on calling the boat shops today about it. I did have the serial number for it and it was filed with the police report. I haven't slept more than a few minutes at a time since Sunday night. I'm going to have to find a way to somehow let this go....partially anyway. It sucks but isn't worth a heart attack.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:21 am 
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I would be checking the scrap yard for the engine. Most likey took it off to sell it for the cash it would bring for the weight...

If you think no one cares, try missing a couple of payments...



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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:16 pm 
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Thieves really suck but the good news is they are usually less than intelligent. The prisons are not filled with rocket scientists if you know what I mean. Did anyone know you were going out of town? That could account for the bold move in broad daylight. Just keep your eyes peeled and hope the theives trip themselves.


Three Amigos

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:44 pm 
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I haven't checked the salvage yards but it is a good idea I hadn't thought of. Also checking with the local Marina's for someone wanting to buy model specific throttle and shifting cables and also control box. I still can't believe this happened. Damn.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:55 pm 
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Them assholes. Did they leave the anchor? tie it to their feet and chuck them overboard :twisted:

I like my steak like I like my women, young, tender and bloody.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:38 pm 
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larphead wrote:
Them assholes. Did they leave the anchor? tie it to their feet and chuck them overboard :twisted:

Yes they did leave the anchor and I would love to do just that with them.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:23 pm 
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That sucks man. Chances of ever seeing the motor again are slim and none. It has probably already been scrapped out. Chances of a yard remembering that a boat motor came in are slim and none. I hate a thief.

Several years ago I went out and hopped in my truck and the stereo was gone. Went to the police station and made a report and found out that all of the people in my apartment had stuff stolen from their cars too. The dumb-ass went to an ATM machine to try and use a card he found in one of the cars. Cops got a good picture of him and arrested him but I never saw my stereo again.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:30 pm 
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Well no news from Law enforcement but I know that even though this has relly gotten to me, they still have bigger fish to fry than chasing after a stolen boat. My insurance did call me today but I missed it while I was at work so maybe I will get something decent out of it. I have actually thought of posting posters with a reward for the Recovery and information leading to the arrest of the guilty parties. A couple grand might be enough to make someone come forward.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:44 pm 
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GOOD NEWS. A friend of mine found my main boat motor, (the 90 horse) in a pawn shop in Helena. I have it back and mounted on the boat. Now I just have to get the wiring harnesses throttle and shifting cables and hopefully I'm back in business.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:48 pm 
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Glad you got it back. Hope they can track the bass turds down with the pawn info...

If you think no one cares, try missing a couple of payments...



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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:51 pm 
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no kidding
glad you got that back atleast

Luvless :(
1980 Mikado-Sold.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:45 pm 
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Last weekend where i rent a shop ( small engine repair ) the main store had a kubota side by side stole ( $18,600) that was to be delivered on Monday and down the street they cut through a fence and stole a service truck from a construction company that was found on Monday stripped bare.

Damn thieves are getting thick and need to be thinned out or better yet eliminated.

1978 pro street step/side 455Buick, 4sp,4.11s, 31/18.5s

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:55 pm 
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My frustrations continue with the "system". I have called the police department twice now and can't get anywhere with any kind of report. I have all the info that I can have access to. The name of the pawn shop, location and told them I know they have the name and drivers license number of the guy who sold it to them. I literally was told, "well I'm glad you got your stuff back". I told them I'm still missing my trolling motor, gas tank, battery, tool kit plus compensation for all the other damages. I asked to speak to the shift supervisor and couldn't get thru so I left a message. No call back. I literally have the Place, date and access to the person for them to talk with to get a name and license number and noone will take the damn info. I guess I should be glad to have the expensive piece of the puzzle back and I am but I'm still out of a few thousand dollars of replacement cost for the rest of the items, wiring harnesses and throttle/shifting cables. What the hell.

In life there is the "Way things should be" and then "There's the way they are".

2005 Silverado 3/4T Crew Cab
1981 Luv 2WD
1979 Luv 4x4 Currently going through Open Heart and Cosmetic surgery
1995 Roughneck JetBoat
1981 Luv parts trk

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:06 pm 
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your gonna end up having to go to the courthouse so they cant ignore you and do report there..
bus seriously thats bs you know where to sen them. the info for who stole it that will give his address etc... and they cant even get out of the donut shop and go make a few thousand bucks for the state :p

Luvless :(
1980 Mikado-Sold.

1993 Lexus SC400 my Daily
2004 Yamaha WR250F my new love in life
2016 Toyota Camry my girls ride

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:29 pm 
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Sounds like it is time for a call to the local 'Action News" reporter. They usually get on it pretty quick around here when the cameras are rolling...

If you think no one cares, try missing a couple of payments...



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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:14 am 
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before you do anything else make sure the pd is not setting up a sting. You may not be the only vic involved here. just give them a little more time.


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