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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 12:51 am 
Addicted to LUV
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Joined: Fri May 17, 2002 8:09 pm
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ok so about an hour ago i was just finishing up checkin messages and stuff. my wife was layin in bed reading a book. she came in and asked what was making the noise in the bedroom like hell if i know. and go check it out.
well there is a service panel in the floor to access the water line and sewer line. this is where the noise is coming from. so i lift of the panel and get a nice cold water bath :evil: .....fuckin water line sprung a leak. :evil: now im outside in my boxers shutting the damn water off at the meter so i can TRY and fix it. get the water shut off. go back inside cursing pretty good by now :evil: well the stupid plastic coupling that some dumbass put in there is broken.
so i patch it up and slow it from a shower to a slight drip. now im gonna have to get a new fitting and fix the damn thing tommarow night when i get home (@ 10:00pm :roll: )

GAHHHHHHH :evil: :evil: .....i swear when i get this place paid off (in 20+ years :evil: ) burning the fucker to the ground

I like my steak like I like my women, young, tender and bloody.

All I need is my weed, women, and wine. -Edge City Outlaws

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 12:57 am 
stick a fork in it it always seems to help

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 1:06 am 
Addicted to LUV
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Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2003 11:20 pm
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Location: McMinnville, OR
I can't say I am feeling much pain for ya, sitting in my apartment that I'm paying some rich bastard too much for. I'd trade if ya like. ;) Though I bet I'd rather not have your payments.

Good luck though, and if you find one screwy water connection, expect at least two more and start looking for them. You know the dumbass got a hold of the right end of a wrench long enough to do *some* damage, its pretty likely he (or she, women can screw up plumbing too) managed to do it more than once.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 6:35 am 
Assimilated into
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I can totaly relate. The guy I bought my house from was a complete idiot. Im waiting for the walls to fall in or something. 3 years ago the septic tank dropped two feet because he didnt use the propper material under it when he installed it. The pipe from the house to the tank snapped so nothing would go down(toilets,bath,ect..). Theres been other insidents that involve wiring, plumming, framming..... You are not alone my freind. I could write a book for all the shit Ive been through with this place. Good thing I married into a d.i.y. family. :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:09 am 
Japanese Redneck
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Joined: Thu Jul 25, 2002 11:42 am
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I can relate. back in 98 i bought a fixer house... it was orginally built in 1957 and was former military housing. after being there for a month, I decide to re-tile the kitchen. I pull up the old linoleom and godamn if that old tile underneath doesnt look like its made of asbestos. but it cant be because the seller swore up and down there wasnt any in any of this former military housing neighborhood. so i bust off a piece and pay $60 for a lab to analyze but i already knew the answer... yep positive for asbestos. So then i have to hire somebody to come in for asbestos abatement. $$$$. thats done. later on i decide to re-carpet so i pull up the old carpet and damn... more asbestos tiles!!!. The entire house is tiled with it!! More $$$ abatement. Then one early morning after drinking with a few friends, I wake up and go to take a piss. well when i step on the tile in the bathroom one of them feels warm. so i am just finishing up pissing and its real quiet in my house at 2am and i hear this hissing sound. hmmmm. I go back to bed but from where i am lying i hear the water heater fire up repeatedly over the next 2 hours. A busted pipe in the foundation!!! Our plumber proceeds to come in with a full on jackhammer and tear up half of the bathroom floor and foundation. and while fixing it, he is cutting some of the copper pipe behind the bathroom sink and i hear a noise. He says: "oh thats nice" so i say what? he shows me a piece of pipe that just broke off while he was trying to cut it. Turns out all of the pipes in the house do not have fittings on them where they join. the pipe is just butted together and soldered!!!! heres comes the kicker: the neighbor says the second to last tennant was running a meth lab out of it. So that explains why all the door frames were all broken up (cops came and kicked them all in). So here we are 2003. the house is still a dump and I am out of money. On top of that I am sick of working on it. The cool part is that it doubled in value in 5 years (ya gotta love San Diego real estate) but I am sooooo ready to move on. Next week I will hear if I get this new job which will get me a 50-75% pay increase. Time for a new house.. . probably going to get a brand new one so i can spend less $ and time on it and more on the LUV and my bikes.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 10:32 pm 
Well fellas, here's my 2 pennies. My wife tells me my daughter wants a playhouse and swing set. You know how littles girls are at the tender age of 5! Seems she paid too much attention to my wife's demeanor. Instead of purchasing a ready made you build it set, I decide to build it out of lumber using my own plans. Only problem at that point was the plans were still in my head. I start by digging four holes for the corner posts for the elevated playhouse. Didn't pay any attention to the gravel that i was hitting when I dug the holes. After I finished the project, my wife tells me that the shower, sinks, and toilets are now draining very slowly. I call the septic company to come pump out the crap box. After careful examination of my "quality craftsmenship", the septic guy tells me great work BUT..... Seems like I sunk the corner posts right through the drain field. I not only hit one drain field line, no, I had to hit all four of them! I not only spent $250.00 on the wood for the play set, I spent an additional $3900.00 for a brand spanking new drain field. My wife was quite upset with me when I told her there went the vacation money. Turns out that she and my daughter went on vacation while I had to stay and work. Those were the seven quietest days I ever had. Hope you all have better luck when you start to build a playhouse for your young ones.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:09 am 
this space for rent
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well my parents are actuall owners of our house (no payments, probly the only reason i have play money for the luv 8O ). But anyway i swer the basement is just an electricl fire waiting to happen. I hear about these bad wiring fires and then i look at the basement where the only finished part is my room in one corner. The wires which lead to my room are litterally bare and litterally hanging out of the walls. Its amazing how my parents place just dosnt blow up. Upstairs is realy nice though.

1980 LUV 4x4, going under re-construction...

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:35 pm 
OG Lifer
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Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2002 8:38 am
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Well, if it makes ya feel better larp, I just shelled out 1300.00 bux to the terminix guys. Yup. Had t-mites. I payed someone to drill a thousand holes in my house and pump toxic sludge under it. Wow. They saw me coming.

Hammer to fit, paint to match.
If it aint broke, don't fix it.
There's always room for duct tape and bailing wire.


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