ok so about an hour ago i was just finishing up checkin messages and stuff. my wife was layin in bed reading a book. she came in and asked what was making the noise in the bedroom closet.....im like hell if i know. and go check it out.
well there is a service panel in the floor to access the water line and sewer line. this is where the noise is coming from. so i lift of the panel and get a nice cold water bath

.....fuckin water line sprung a leak.

....so now im outside in my boxers shutting the damn water off at the meter so i can TRY and fix it. get the water shut off. go back inside cursing pretty good by now

well the stupid plastic coupling that some dumbass put in there is broken.
so i patch it up and slow it from a shower to a slight drip. now im gonna have to get a new fitting and fix the damn thing tommarow night when i get home (@ 10:00pm


.....i swear when i get this place paid off (in 20+ years

)....im burning the fucker to the ground