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 Post subject: Buying Advice Chevy Luv
PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:35 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:23 pm
Posts: 1
Hello. Just joined the forum and first post so sorry if it's in the wrong place or some other mistake. Any help is greatly appreciated and feel free to ask me any follow up questions.

I'm looking at buying a 1982 Chevy Luv Diesel 5 speed, 110K miles for $4,000. It's in what I would say is good shape for a truck that old. It's my first truck and I know almost nothing about them and just want to know if this seems like a good deal?

Also 2 Questions:
1. Am I going to need to know how to do a lot of wrenching and will it need constant repairs? The seller knows a lot about them and went through it and said it's in good shape.

2. People mention it being slow a bunch. Is it slow like to the point of being dangerous or useless on a highway? I don't care about fast, but need it to be able to do some interstate travel. I know I need to drive it to see for myself, but it's 7.5 hours away so I don't want to travel there unless I'm pretty sure I'm buying it.

Here are some details if they help. I have only owned one other car, many years ago. I ride a motorcycle that I can work on a little bit. I decided to buy a car about 6 months ago and the used market is insanely expensive right now so haven't been able to find anything. A friend of a friend deals in the Isuzu Pups and I thought I could maybe get a very reliable and affordable to run vehicle without spending a lot. Its mostly to be used sparingly for errands around town, but I would like to be able to take it on the highway for trips here and there. It's been tough to get a feel online for these as people either seem to love or hate them. What do you think about this deal?

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