Thanks to Joe Isuzu I had options for my broken tranny. Locally, I found an 82 diesel tranny (200 bucks) of unknown internals, hired a rebuilder and made one good tranny which is now in my truck and works just fine. I have extra tranny parts available.
Also, discovered a national "hot line" for used parts that it appears most salvage yards use instead of the old "long line" system Plugged in my needs and found a slalvage yard 100 yards down from the foreign yard I had visited the previous day! Hard to believe...especially after I was told not to expect anyone in my city would have such a unit.
Then, thanks to Joe Isuzu, I contacted a fellow in Phoenix where he had and '82 unit and he also found 3 other units in that area...a really nice and sharp fellow.
Again, thank to Joe Isuzu, the site creator and wizard!