thanks i will have to see if it passes smog. its idling , i think its the screw adjustment on the idle thats not turned correctly, i was hoping to have a go at a smog this month but i have found evidence of tampering with my truck today. i cannot prove beyond a doubt who did it but i am 99.999999% positive i know who did.
since the truck has not left the front of the mobile home in over a year and a half it narrows down just where tampering took place, (location wise)
i have Controlled substance dealers next door, they are the same neighbors that backed into me drunk without a license last halloween night, i found the damage the next morning along with thier tire marks a foot away from my truck and thier paint on my truck and my smurf blue paint on their car.
i called my insurance co who said to notify chp of a hit and run, chp came out and saw the eveidence and confronted them with it, they took the info down, the mother took the fall even though it wasnt her driving, i over hear them arguing in their house "you said she wouldnt notice" all of a sudden they were all to happy to take care of any damage but i let the insurance company deal with it. then they confonted me saying i should have asked if they hit me!!!! dumb azzes , so since then we discovered what they are "making" in the house and then one of the household tries to plant sht* on my truck but i caught him so it didnt suceed, now i find my locking gas cap seal was trashed and there are pry marks of a screw driver in the tabs that hold the locking gas cap on. they didnt get it off that i know of it only was one pin not in place so it was at a slant on the gas tank. there was a little white residue on the cap but auto zone said that can be normal on a black cap, the cap is only 2 years old and when it went out of commission i had a about 1/2 tank of gas. when i took it to auto zone the first time it was sucking on empty, auto zone said heat from in the sun did NOT cause the damage, anyhow i will be down to the sheriffs on monday , it may get smogged and tagged later than i hoped but i think i need to put an alarm on it, right now it is parked in front , gas cap in view (just replaced today with a large face locking cap)and a cam corder with night vision on it.
like i said i cannot proove it but theese are the only neighbors out of 54 that have been harrassing us, grrr sorry long post but if my problem comes back carb we will talk.
thanks for offering.
Happiness is stroking the lizard
(what?! i have a five foot iguana;
what were you thinking
got luv bumps?